708) 627-9744

Facts & Questions

Got a quirky noise coming from your garage door every time it opens or closes? Or maybe you're just curious about the ins and outs of keeping that big metal gate running smoothly. You've got questions, we've got answers – minus the technical jargon.

What's up with my garage door making a racket?

Squeaks and rattles aren't part of a garage door's charm. If your door is more vocal than usual, it could be crying out for some lubrication love or indicating something's gone awry with its springs or rollers. Regular maintenance checks can keep those sounds in check and prevent bigger issues.

If DIY solutions like silicone spray don't do the trick, consider calling in the pros before you find yourself performing an impromptu morning workout by lifting a stuck door.

Why won't my remote work even after I changed the batteries?

Frustrating isn’t it? It might not be as simple as dead batteries this time around. Interference from new LED lights to pesky neighbors using similar frequency gadgets can disrupt your opener’s vibe. Another culprit could be misaligned safety sensors which act like overprotective parents; they won’t let anything happen unless everything is perfectly aligned.

A professional eye can quickly identify if there's interference at play or if reprogramming is needed because sometimes technology likes to throw us curveballs for fun.

I think my garage door spring snapped – what now?

This one’s serious business; we’re talking top-tier urgency here because broken springs turn doors into unwieldy beasts best left untouched by mere mortals without training. Springs are under immense tension and when they snap, it’s usually accompanied by a loud bang reminiscent of fireworks gone wrong but far less festive. Keep everyone clear from the area and call experts who handle these high-tension situations daily—they'll have things back to normal before you know it.


708) 627-9744

BUSINESS HOURS: Sun-Sat 8:00am - 8:00 pm